Unfortunately, I'm not able to upload to the portal (or anyone else for that matter) right now. So you'll just have to settle for a censored preview here ^.^
Oh, if you want to see more versions, check here:
My Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medi um&illust_id=32857724
My Tumblr: http://dan-hibiki.tumblr.com/
I've also got another version on my deviantART profile, but, frankly, it's the most boring one. :http://perverted-dan-hibiki.deviantart.com/#/d5 rg7z2
Well, it looks like I can't even upload here... So I guess you'll have to go to those other sites.
Edit #2: Okay, so I uploaded it, but I'm not seeing it appear in the portal. So can you tell me if you guys see it there?